Students & Parents
Clayton County Public Schools (CCPS) is committed to protecting the sanctity of the learning environment. In support of this commitment, CCPS welcomed Channel 2’s Lori Wilson for a special interview with Dr. Anthony W. Smith, Superintendent/CEO of Schools, and Dr. Melvin Blocker, Executive Director of Discipline, Prevention, and Intervention, as he along with members of his staff met with scholars at Adamson Middle School.
View the entire story.
Leaders in Clayton County found a way curb violence in its schools.
Attention Clayton County high school students! Are you a rising 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grader looking to make an impact in your community? Join us for a Youth Commission Interest Meeting! Learn how you can get involved and make a difference! Choose a session and register here:
Top Titan Awards Ceremony
Greetings Titan Families and Happy New Year!
We hope that all of your families had a great holiday season and are ready to kick off the second half of the school year. As we prepare for the return of our students, we want to encourage our Titan Scholars to keep up the good work of getting to class on time and being engaged in their classes. Our PBIS team is too excited to continue their mission in rewarding all of our Titan Scholars who are: Committed to Excellence, Do the Right Thing, Hold High Expectations, and Strive for Excellence. Check out our PBIS Ice Cream Social sponsored by Colin Kaepernick from last semester here!
School will be back in session tomorrow, January 7th! Attendance Matters and Starts Day One! Titan scholars, our doors open at 7:45 A.M. each morning and tomorrow you will have an opportunity to get a copy of your Spring schedule. Also, we will be having GMAS Biology makeup starting tomorrow. Every day when students arrive they have an opportunity to either indulge in breakfast, or socialize with friends in the gym. If students arrive after 8:10, they will still have an opportunity to pick up breakfast from our Grab 'N Go station located in the main hallway. We look forward to greeting our scholars each day and ask that they do their best to "Strive for Excellence" to make it to all of their classes on time.
Titan families! Please note that the county is under a Winter Weather advisory as the National Weather Service projects temperatures at, or below, freezing during bus stop hours for the period of January 7-10, 2025. There is also currently a prediction for snow on Friday, January 10, 2025. Parents/Guardians are asked to prepare for these conditions at all bus stops and as students walk to school.
Reminder: CDHS is still implementing Clayton County Public School's Dress Code Policy and will be working hand in hand with our CDHS Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) team. Students who are dress coded will be working with our PBIS coordinator and going over the policy and its restrictions. In accordance with CCPS' Dress Code Policy, high schoolers are not required to wear an assigned uniform. However, there is a dress code standard we must follow which includes:
- No frayed, cut, or torn clothing
- No clothing exposing upper torso, cleavage, or upper thigh
- No intentionally altered or ill-fitting garments
- No sagging
And - No hats and/or hoods
For more information about Clayton County Public School's official Dress Code Policy, please view the CCPS 2024-2025 Student Handbook pages 64-65.
Along with this policy, this also includes NO BLANKETS. The weather is changing quickly; let's encourage our Titan scholars to bundle up in their jackets and sweaters!
Please follow us on Instagram @cdhstitans and see how the Titans are Striving for Excellence! If your student is a bus rider, please use Edulog to find your student's BUS ROUTE: CCPS Edulog Website
American Lit Test Prep!
Fly Girls Conference
The FLY GIRLS CONFERENCE TOUR hosted by @flyinsideout will be November 15th, next Friday. You want to make sure you’re in the building for the fun! Use the QR Code on the second slide to RSVP. Remember, (females only) if you have a business doing hair, makeup, catering, photography, etc., fill out the business pitch competition application for a chance to win $500!
You must also sign up to attend. For additional questions, contact Coach Hargrove.
September 26th, 2024
The leadership of Clayton County Public Schools (CCPS), based on updated information from the National Weather Service and in conjunction with neighboring school districts, has announced thatΒ Thursday, September 26, will be a virtual learning day. For more details, please see the attached Advisory.
Clayton County Public Schools (CCPS) is proud to share that Dr. Jessie Goree, Clayton County Board of Education Chair representing District 3, in partnership with the Next Step Education Foundation, the Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation and College Readiness 101, will host the 11th Annual College Fair on Saturday, September 14, 2024. This event will be held at Morrow High School, located at 4930 Steele Road in Ellenwood and is scheduled to begin at 12:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Students are asked to register for the fair by following the steps below. A screenshot of the registration site is also included so that students will know where to begin:
Click the StriveScan Fair Registration Link
Click Georgia in the first drop down box
Click 9/14 Next Step Education in the 2nd drop down box
Click Student
Complete the registration
Greetings Titan Families,
As we continue to "Titan up our journey to graduation", we would like to invite all of our Titan families to join us at our CDHS Townhall Meeting September 12, 2024.
It is imperative, now more than ever, that we come together as a Titan community (Faculty, Staff, and families) in the overall well-being of our scholars. We must stress to them the severity of keeping them safe and how gang activity, violence, bullying, drugs, and weapons are all non-negotiables in our school system. As we continue on as a community, we ask and encourage you and your families to get connected to our schools starting first with our Townhall Meeting.
Thank you for your help as we stay Committed to Excellence, Do the Right Thing, Hold High Expectations, and Strive for Excellence! We look forward to seeing you all in attendance next Thursday at 5 P.M. in our Senior Cafeteria.
Attention 11th graders and families!
Get ready for ACT District Testing Student & Family Info Sessions! Exciting opportunities await as this test can open doors to colleges and scholarships.
Let's gather together to rocket into future academic and career planning.
Join us August 7th at 10:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m.
#ACTTesting #FutureGoals #CollegeBound #CareerBound #TestPrep #AchieveMore